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Do Dogs Understand How Much Joy They Bring Into Our Lives?

Writer's picture: Kimberly BenoyKimberly Benoy

How can I put into words how I feel about my dogs? Let me give it a try. 

Today I took Jake to his monthly library gig where kids sign up to read to him. He is so good with them. He patiently lays down and listens as they read the books. Sometimes they don’t even read to him, they just want to pet him and he’s just fine with that. 

A black dog lying next to a child reading a book.
Jake listening to a young reader in 2023.

Today we had a break in the schedule and a family came in with a toddler who was interested in Jake. He wasn’t interested enough to get close enough to touch him though. Jake is a big dog and despite his wagging tail and “smile” he can be intimidating to a small child. So the mom sat down next to Jake and the dad had the toddler across the room. Jake knew just what to do and what not to do. He sat down and waited for the little boy to come to him. He eventually laid down on his side and stayed there as the little boy came closer. He didn’t jump up or get excited as the boy tentatively came very close. Almost close enough to touch his silky ear but not quite-he just couldn’t do it. 

The parents decided that that was pretty good and we all told the little boy what a great job he did. 

After they left, I realized what had just happened and my heart filled with love and pride for this beautiful dog soul. He had no direction from me, I was just there encouraging the little boy. But Jake knew his job in that moment and he did it perfectly. He just knew. 


A black lab dog looking at the camera.
A little frosting on the muzzle.

Jake is six years old and hopefully not leaving us anytime soon but I have been making conscious efforts to enjoy every minute with him. Not just the heartwarming times like today but the digging-in-the-yard and ignoring-my-requests-to-come-inside and barking-at-the-neighbors times too. He is a dog after all. 

I recently shared a memory post on my Facebook page that showed Jake graduating from his first manners class. I wondered if dogs know how much they affect us in so many positive ways. Do they know that just being in their presence makes us happy? Do they know that our tension from the day fades away instantly when we are greeted at the door by a wagging tail and happy dog smiles? Or when we are sad and they just sit next to us, literally just being with us.

Do they know they bring us joy? 

I have come to the decision that they don’t need to know. They live in the moment and take each one as it comes. They do what comes naturally to them. All they ask for is love in return and maybe a treat or two. (Or three if you have a lab.) 

So until the time comes that I cannot think about yet, I promise to live in every moment I get with this beautiful boy. I will keep sharing him with anyone who wants to be around his calming and happy energy. I will make sure the love he shares comes back to him too. He deserves it and so much more. 

Until next time, take care of your beautiful self!



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