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Embracing Change: The Power of Starting Fresh in the Fall

Writer's picture: Kimberly BenoyKimberly Benoy

Happy Fall y'all! How do you feel about fall? Do you enjoy the changing of the seasons or are you in a place that doesn't really have seasons per se?

A path between trees in the fall
Embrace the changes

Here in Wisconsin, we have all the seasons and some last longer than others and some even last too long (for some people). Spring can last for months and be rainy, muddy and cool or dry and warmer. Some years our summers are super hot and humid or super hot and dry and our winters can range from hardly any snow to snowbanks bigger than your house. Winters can be minus zero to 30 degrees or more. It's like Forrest's mama said: "You never know what you're gonna get!"

The fall season is bittersweet for me because the changing colors are beautiful and the cooler temps make me feel cozy. Gotta love #sweaterweather I also am a huge football fan and love watching the games each weekend in the fall. The "bitter" part is knowing that winter comes after fall and I am not a fan of cold weather. To define "cold" for you: any temperature under 25 degrees is cold to me. I do not like going outside when my face freezes, it's just not right. But that's life in the northern part of the country.

A snowy path in the woods
Winter will be here soon

I have noticed a little change in my fall/winter outlook though as I used to think of fall as the year coming to an end but I have begun to change that mindset lately. Fall is a transition time for many people; consider the kids who are going back to school. They have spent the summer (hopefully) having fun and taking a break and now they get to go back to the job of formal learning and growing. They start the school year with new supplies (remember the Trapper Keeper?) and new outfits and shoes. Maybe they are starting in a new school or transitioning to a higher grade in a new building. All sorts of change is going on.

In the business world, many solopreneurs like me take a bit of a break in the summertime and focus more on their goals and plans to accomplish them. I enjoyed a recording break from the podcast over June and July and have jumped in to recording some fabulous ladies. I also used the time to refocus on my priorities and am excited to make some changes to the podcast that you may or may not notice. (More on this later) I also am taking a long hard look at my aromatherapy business and how I want to move forward with it.

As I am considering and making changes, my thought was to have a plan ready for the new year. I thought it would give me plenty of time to plan and try some things and be ready to go on January 1, 2025. But what I have come to realize is that I don't need to wait for the calendar to change; I can do it now or at least soon. I am excited to try new things now and see what you think. So why wait?

This mindset change has given me the gift of time in a way. Instead of holding back and waiting until the "right" time, I am going for it now.

While fall is the end of summer, it doesn't mean it's the end of the year yet. We still have 4 more months or 1/3 of the whole year left! Why not embrace fall as the start of something new or different?

What does that look like for you? Have you always wanted to try a new hobby? Are you waiting until the new calendar year to start doing some self-care activities like eating healthy or exercising? Are you using the excuse that you are "too busy" to start anything new right now? Remember we all have 24 hours in the day and probably more available time than you think. If you don't believe me, chart your time for 2 days and you'll see what I mean.

How about just starting with one small thing if it feels overwhelming. Write down a list of books that you want to read before the end of the year and pick one. If you listened to my latest podcast, you heard that one thing you can do to be healthier in midlife is eat more protein. So add one more protein source to your meals each day. It doesn't need to be huge changes, just do something to get started and see where it takes you.

So let's embrace fall as the season of change and new beginnings and let it propel you into the new year well on your way to accomplishing everything you want. Let the vibrant colors and breezy days uplift and energize you into living every moment now.

Until next time, take care of your beautiful self!



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