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Enjoying Summer!

Writer's picture: Kimberly BenoyKimberly Benoy

Hello everyone! Yes, it's been awhile but here's a summertime blog post for you. I can't believe it's July already-pretty sure I say that every year and every season of the year but here we are.

The month of June was fairly uneventful, mainly because I spent most of it with a cold/flu. What I thought was allergies at first hung on for about 3 weeks and made me exhausted and miserable at times. It was a good reminder to me to listen to my body and rest when I needed to-and boy did I need to.

Anyway, that's over and I'm moving on. I did have some activities happen in June-the summer vendor market started and that's always fun to see the people come out. It's held in the parking lot of a distillery/restaurant/event center and while we get the "regulars" each week, we do have new people come through too. I think the best part is visiting with the fellow vendors as we commiserate about the weather and celebrate each other's sales and connections. Anyone who does these sort of markets, knows the dread of a windy day and making sure you have enough weights for your tent.


I took a recording break from my podcast for June and July and it's been very nice to have one less thing on my plate. It has given me time to think about my podcast plan and I am looking for feedback from those of you who listen to Midlife with Courage. I have some specific questions I want to ask you and will be holding a video conference on Monday July 15th at 7pm CST. Watch my Midlife with Courage facebook page to find out details about joining the chat. If you are unable to join me that night, here is a LINK to the questions as a google doc to fill out for me.

In other podcast news, I have been evaluating some of my graphics and will be making some changes. I don't think it will be anything too drastic, just some ways to make it more visible. Speaking of visibility, a great way to get more people excited about my show is to leave a review on Apple or Spotify. If you haven't already done this, I would really appreciate it! If you haven't listened lately, you have been missing some great guests with wonderful stories-check them out HERE. Watch for my first video podcast coming this month as well!


On a personal note, Dave and. I have been taking the dogs out on hikes and even spent a night at the deer shack. I don't have many photos because I have been purposely not taking my phone out in the woods with us. I want to focus on the moment and recording it in my brain and not my technology. I do have some photos of the pups sleeping but that's probably not very interesting to you :)

Two fawns eating in a yard.
Our twins this year.

We have a mama deer and twin fawns who visit us regularly which has been fun. We spent one evening watching the two babies play and chase each other. We are convinced they are two little boys because of the way they reared up and "struck" with their little hooves. We also have a family of bunnies who come out each night and try to figure out how to get into the garden. They have plenty to eat but something about our tomato and cucumber plants is very enticing. We are very lucky to live where we do and enjoy the flora and fauna here. It kind of makes the long winters bearable.

Here are some photos from our yard this year. Enjoy!

I hope you all had a safe Fourth of July and are enjoying your summer! Please take care of your beautiful self and I will talk to you soon!



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