I know it's been a long time since I wrote a blog post-well over a month-which is not what I intended when I started this journey. I'm not sure why I have been "silent" in this area but I have some ideas. I thought I would share them with you in case you are or have ever gone through something similar.

First of all, while I love to write, I do not set specific time in my schedule to write any social media posts or this blog. I need to be inspired to write something that I believe will be of value to you and lately, I have had zero inspiration. Sometimes I do make a general note in my weekly planner that I should write something and sometimes that does inspire me to sit at the computer and share. It just hasn't been happening the last month and a half. I get "flashes" of motivation but they have not been "power surges" that could sustain a whole blog post so they usually end up as social media offerings.
Next, I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed at times with life in general and having a hard time navigating that. I try hard to see the positive and good in the world but some days, I just can't. I wish I could say that it's something singular or big because then I have something that I can deal with more specifically. I actually think it's several things that have been going on that have accumulated over time and my healthy stress-response is wiped out.

One of the stresses I am working through is how I want to "do business." For the last 2 years, I have been selling my oils products at area vendor events. I love meeting people and selling products but my true passion is creating customized blends for people that I know they will use. Recently, I have been having fun creating diffuser and roller bottle blends for people and other businesses and that has been very fulfilling! Using my research skills, RN and aromatherapy education and personal intuition fills my cup and even better, I get paid to do it.
I also LOVE creating videos and content for my "Help Me Use My Oils!" video channel! Sharing how to use oils and even showing you how to make DIY products excites me and I would love to grow that even more. If you would like to check that out, go HERE. I am looking forward to sharing a mini-course I am creating about the oils you should be using for anti-aging.
My podcast is going well and I have been enjoying all my guests and hope that you are too. You must be enjoying them because I can see the download numbers coming in so THANK YOU ALL FOR LISTENING! I would love to hear from you about the podcast and the best way to do that is to leave a review on apple podcasts. If you don't use apple, please just email me or leave a comment on my Facebook or Instagram and I will see it. I am looking forward to a recording break this summer but do not worry, the episodes keep coming each week because I have them recorded ahead of time.
The other parts of my life have been interesting too and without going into details, we have had a lot to deal with lately. Situations with family and friends and just life in general can sometimes kick my....butt and some days it's just a lot. So there's that.

What this all boils down to is that I need to practice what I preach and keep using the tools I have picked up along my journey that I have shared with all of you. Meditation, oils, tapping, journaling, reading, take time out in nature, canine cuddles....Things will get better because I will be using my coping skills better and taking a break when I need to.
If you are at an overwhelming point in your life, go back to basics and remember to breathe. Use whatever tools you need to help you and if you are still struggling, please seek professional help. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it or even if you are not sure.
Take care of your beautiful self and I will talk to you soon.
PS April showers bring May flowers and May will bring an opportunity for you to get some free gifts from some friends of mine. Watch for a special email announcement coming soon!