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How to Combat Holiday Prep Stress and Make the Season Merrier: Tips and Tricks

Writer's picture: Kimberly BenoyKimberly Benoy

Does anyone else feel like December surprised us? All of a sudden, it's holiday season. That's what it feels like to me anyway. We had a very warm autumn season meaning we had temps in 50's not that long ago and today I woke up to 8 degrees.

We also had a late Thanksgiving this year which means there is less time between that holiday and Christmas which is stressful for some people. (Ok that was me, I'm 'some people.')

A collection of Christmas gifts under a tree.
Are you ready?

Do you get your Christmas shopping done ahead of time or do you wait until after Thanksgiving like I do? I know some people like to shop all year long and have everything done super early and more power to them. I just don't work like that. For some reason, I need to finish one thing before I start another or at least have the first thing mostly done. So I guess I will never get an award for multitasking.

Now that the calendar has turned to December, I realize that Christmas is a few short weeks away and it would be really easy to let that really stress me out. Yes, I have gifts to buy or make, I have cookies and other holiday treats to make and so much more but it's ok. I know (after 57 years of living) that everything will get done that needs to be done. I will see family and friends and celebrate and no one cares how many gifts they receive or what food they eat (except for my kids last year, I accidentally forgot to remove the plastic off the bottom of the roast on Christmas Eve and we had to go to plan B for that meal.)

The important things are what people remember about the holidays and stressing out about the trappings surrounding them is not worth it. So take a deep breath when you start looking at the calendar and your to-do list and release the tension in your shoulders. Here are some tips for you if you find yourself stressing out:

  • If your list is long, break it up into smaller chunks so it is easier to manage.

  • Schedule holiday prep time if you need to and check it off when you are done.

  • Ask for help. Do you take on all the responsibility of holiday prep while your spouse/partner goes about his or her business as usual? Make a list together and decide who does what.

  • Prioritize what is most important and decide if some things can be let go. Then let go of them.

  • Take time for you to enjoy the holiday season. Drive around town to see the Christmas lights or listen to Christmas music while you enjoy a cup of coffee or cocoa. Sit and admire your tree with the room lights dimmed.

Most of all, remember the reason that you celebrate the season. Whatever your beliefs are, this is a great time to take stock of what makes you happy and why.

If you are struggling this year and are having a difficult time celebrating, reach out to someone and talk to them. I promise you they are not too busy to be there for you. They want to help.

A woman with her hands up by her face.
It's ok to ask for help.

So please try not to stress out this season; I hope these tips are helpful and I hope you have a wonderful and peaceful holiday season!

Take care of your beautiful self


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A Happy Holidays message.
I hope you have the happiest of holidays!


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