Well, the time has come for me to take care of something I should have done a few years ago. It's one of those not pleasant but necessary things in life. It's a way to take care of yourself and make sure you are healthy but the way it needs to be done is so uncomfortable. There's just no way around it.
I am having my first colonoscopy next week. (Cue the dramatic music here.)
I am 57 years old so by the guidelines (which have changed), it was supposed to be done when I turned 50. So I'm 7 years late but at least I'm doing it now. I even highly encouraged my husband to get his done and he did so not sure why I waited so long. And why now?
We all know how important cancer screening is and colon cancer is one of the most curable types IF CAUGHT EARLY so it's important to get it done. I used to work as an RN in the surgery department and took care of patients who were undergoing this procedure. I know it isn't a big deal and you get to sleep through it and don't even remember anything.
But I also know how it's done and putting myself into that vulnerable position is a little scary. What they are looking for is scary and wondering what happens if they do is scary.

And everyone says "the prep is the worst part" and I'm thinking that might be true based on the ginormous jug I picked up from the pharmacy this week. How does one person drink all of that? I heard that I should just live in the bathroom for a couple of hours as I drink it. Some people say to bring a TV or laptop or some sort of entertainment (really, 'entertainment?') as you experience the joy of liquids pouring into and through you in the goal of reaching a complete clearing out of your colon.
Don't get me wrong, I know how important it is to have everything emptied out to get a good view of your insides. I will follow all the directions to the T. I remember having to send patients home without doing the procedure because they ate something they weren't supposed to. I couldn't imagine going all through the preparation days and then not having the procedure done because you ate some cookies the day before.

So I am not looking forward to this but I know it needs to be done. I have started realizing the importance of nutrition and how our diet is what keeps us healthy and away from medications we don't need because they do us more harm. That is probably my incentive to get this colonoscopy done now. I want to ensure I don't have anything going on or if I do, I can start taking care of it. As we get older, it's reality that we need to pay more attention to our health. (We really should be doing it as younger people but that's a topic for a different day.)
So this weekend I will not be available as I prepare for this uncomfortable but necessary test. I am looking forward to sleeping afterward, I always love a good nap!
Please share any helpful hints or suggestions in the comments! I would love to read them. I'll have some time this weekend ;)
Take care of your beautiful self!