Well once again, I didn't dot all my i's and cross my t's. If you have been following my podcast this summer, you know that I have been recording some solo episodes and releasing them on the audio platform and my YouTube channel so you can see my bright shiny face as I talk to you.

I recorded two of these audio/video episodes and planned to release them in a certain order. The order changed a few days before the first one was scheduled. The second episode related to politics and how to navigate this wonderful time of year (should I have put "wonderful" in between parentheses? Probably.)
Since the assassination attempt happened on July 13th, I decided to switch the order of the episodes, not because it made any difference in what I talked about, but it was more relevant to recent events.
So, I switched the release dates on the audio platform and totally forgot to do two other things: I didn't switch the release date on the YouTube channel and I didn't change the episode number in the audio platform. Oops!
If you subscribe to my YouTube channel, you have access to the episode being released tomorrow (July 23rd) so I gave you a nice sneak peek and you didn't even know it. And if you are paying close attention to details, you will notice the episode numbers are not in order. Again: Oops!
But really in the grand scheme of life, does this matter? I'm not upset about it in any way, actually it's kind of funny. I have learned to laugh at myself and it sure makes life easier at times.
This way of thinking is another reason I have chosen to do some video podcasts. In the past, I have been reluctant to do them because it's so much easier to do just audio, I don't have to be "camera-ready" and no one can tell if I'm still wearing my pajamas while recording. (Working from home is awesome y'all!) I have decided that it's ok not to have the perfect makeup or hairstyle to record the podcast. I am not a perfect person and I do not pretend to be so why not show that while I'm sharing my podcast? I'm a real person and I have real things going on that are not perfect all the time.
So there.
I have some great podcast guests coming up so stay tuned for those. I have interviews scheduled with a guest who will talk about adjusting to retired life (hmmm..I wonder who needs to hear that?) and a wonderful author who loves horses and talks about a famous pony you may have heard about.
I hope you all are having a great summer! Our weather has been fantastic and we are enjoying it as much as possible. I have not been out in my kayak yet but my husband brought his fishing boat home and we have been hitting area lakes. See the photo of my lunker below :)
I recently had a birthday and did something that I hope will be a yearly tradition. I took myself to a local park and did some journaling and grounding. I made myself a little lunch and enjoyed the sun and breeze while I contemplated things. It was a great experience and it might seem weird to do something like that on a celebration day, but it was therapeutic and necessary. I did get a birthday supper with my husband so I didn't spend the whole day by myself.
What do you do for your birthday? Tell me in the comments!
Don't forget about my Help Me Use My Oils video channel! It's a great way to learn about using essential oils without the sales pitch!
Until next time, take care of your beautiful self!