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Social Media Detox: A Month Without Facebook on My Phone | Midlife With Courage

Writer's picture: Kimberly BenoyKimberly Benoy

It's been almost a month since I took Facebook off my phone and (gasp!) the world didn't end. In fact, some good things have happened.

A woman looking at her cell phone
Stop the scroll!

First, I spend waaaaaaay less time with my face glued to my phone. Each week I get a little report about how many hours I spend on my phone and the time has been cut by about 75- 90%. Any chiropractor will tell you how bad it is for you to be looking down at your phone for any length of time. The force on your cervical spine is strong enough to affect your alignment and posture which leads to a lot of problems. In fact, I have had shoulder pain on the side that I use to hold my phone. That pain is not happening anymore since I spend less time on it. Hmmm.

I am much more productive this month since I spend my time where I should instead of wasting it on scrolling. You all know that I use my SolPlanner to create and achieve my goals and not surprisingly, I am reaching those goals this month. I have given myself the gift of time. Wow!

I am feeling calmer and less stressed. Many of us use social media as a way to share our feelings about current events. Many people have very strong opinions and share them freely. I am not a fan of this. I have shared that I prefer not to use social media as a way to share my thoughts on current events. Social media has been used as a divisive tool and I will not participate. While I do not judge those who do-you do you-my not participating means I have chosen not to even see what some people share. I have snoozed, unfollowed and even un-friended some people. They probably don't even notice to be honest.

One aspect of this that I do need to watch is my time on the "Insta" platform. Since my IG is connected to FB, I can post on there from my phone. I have caught myself scrolling a bit but the operative words are 'caught myself' so I am making sure not to go down that road again. If I do, it's bye-bye to Insta on my phone too.

Overall, this has been a very good decision to let FB go on my phone. The time I spend on it now is deliberate and more intentional. I use it as I need to instead of a distraction when I'm bored.

I challenge you to try it for a month and see what you think. Or if you can't fully let go yet, try changing the notifications so you don't get those little numbers letting you know you have likes and reactions to your posts. Spoiler alert: nothing bad will happen if you don't know that you have 5 notifications until you purposely check yourself. I promise.

Don't forget to check out my latest podcast or even one of my past episodes. I have shared some amazing ladies with you all and I have more to come. If you want to get an early listen to every episode, subscribe to my website HERE. It's free and you will get my e-book that gives you easy tips to balance your hormones.

Until next time, take care of your beautiful self!



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