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Wellness Made Simple

Kim Benoy

Just when you think they can't get any more amazing or caring, dōTERRA comes up with something that blows you away!

Let's say you are a person who has a lot going on ( and who doesn't?!). You have heard so much about oils, and you probably have your own account with me but you feel like you are not using oils to their full potential.

I can help with that!

Or maybe you are someone who wants to use oils but you just can't figure out where to start.

I can help with that too!

We currently are offering three 90-day wellness "tracks" to help you focus in on what oils you need and how to use them! The three tracks are Relief, Immunity, and Mind/Mood-simple right?

How does it work?

I'm glad you asked ;)

You simply add the wellness program to your LRP order and you will get the first month's oils and products delivered right to your home. The oils come with information about each oil/product and you also will receive an email from dōTERRA explaining the products as well. Those products come in a nice reusable bag.

The second month you receive more products related to the track you are on, again with information about how to use them in email and with the products themselves. The second and third month products come in a recyclable package #earthfriendly #doterracares

The third month is just like the second month except you have new products! Each month you will also get some special freebies like a carrying case for your OnGuard Sanitizing Mist or a container that will help you roll Deep Blue lotion onto your sore muscles without using your hands.

You can continue the program by starting over or can cancel at any time. You can also receive up to four of each track at one time to share with family members.

Now just because dōTERRA is making things easier for you, it doesn't mean I am out of a job. My passion is educating you about oils and that will not change! I will still be a resource for you to use the oils to get the best possible benefits from them! I offer wellness consults to give you a personalized opportunity to go through your health goals and help decide what oils will be most helpful to you! I love that part of my job!!!!

DōTERRA has also indicated to us that these will not be the only three tracks available! They are not telling us specifics #suspense but expect more to come out in the new year.

You need to learn more about the products in these awesome wellness tracks and I can help you with that!

Send an email to with the subject line: Tell Me More!

Until next time-Be Happy Be Healthy!


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